Long time marking…

Well it sure feels a long time since that last very excited posting! I haven’t had any time on the PhD at all since last Tuesday (and that was brief) because I thought it would be fun to mark 70 1st year undergrad linguistics papers in a week. It wasn’t.

Anyhow, I’m back now. I have a presentation to give tomorrow at our departmental research group meeting, so that’s been the main focus of my day. I was somewhat nervous about what on earth I could/ should say after only 4 months at it so I posted on the ever-useful and ever-encouraging http://www.postgraduateforum.com and got help from two lovely people! To be fair, I was already heading in the same direction but it’s good to hear that it’s not that early for me to be presenting and I should just shut up grumbling about it.

It’s possible that what I’ve got now is actually way too long, so I think I’m going to ask if I can do a run through or talk through tonight at home and see what should be axed. But at least it’s quite pretty…

The positives are definitely there, though. The usual thing that happens when I have a deadline of sorts happened. You just have to commit to something. So I’ve been firming up a little (not a lot) on the research paradigm decisions and finding Denzin and Lincoln (2005) rather bloody awesome for that with their funky tables, although at 1210 pages long, it’s not a book to pop in your pocket…

So this relatively happy little constructivist is going to hop on her bike and go home. To make soup and practice presentations.

About yorkclarabelle

I'm a Senior Lecturer at York St John University in English Language and Linguistics. My PhD focused on teachers' attitudes to working with children who speak languages beyond English. I'm writing papers at the moment on confusing messages for children about their languages and how and when they should use them in school, and about teachers' opinions on language loss. I'm also writing a book chapter on ontologies about 'good' English.
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